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Solenix at the ESA Basketball Tournament29 September 2016

Last weekend, Solenix participated in the ESA basketball tournament, which every year gathers amateur players in teams representing different ESA sites as well as some of ESA's industrial partners. In 2016, a record 6 teams got together in the outskirts of Madrid, in Tres Cantos, to compete for the title. Solenix was represented once more as part of the ESRIN team, where it has been present since 2013.


Solenix Workshop - Automated User Interface Testing04 August 2016

During the August workshop we discussed automated user interface testing. We at Solenix use UI tests to simulate user interactions with our web applications offering us the possibility to discover weak points. Automated tests make our engineers’ lives easier as the tests ensure the integrity of the code during our nightly checks. After having researched several tools available in the market, our choice is SeleniumHQ, which allows us to test our products with all major web browsers and with different programming languages.


Small Satellites Go Viral! - Solenix at the 4S Symposium02 June 2016

From 30 May to 03 June the 4S Symposium 2016 is taking place in beautiful Valletta in Malta. Surrounded by impressive architecture and Mediterranean landscapes, the symposium jointly organised by CNES and ESA, focusses on Small Satellites Systems and Services. Besides this year's special topic on "Small Satellites Go Viral", the conference covers technical sessions in satellite technology, applications, mission concept and systems.


Solenix in SpaceOps'1630 May 2016

Last week the 14th International Conference on Space Operations took place in Daejeon, Korea. The 2016 edition of SpaceOps was hosted by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) and organised  by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). With the theme “Expanding the Space Community”, the one-week conference hosted different sessions around space operations topics, such as Operations Concepts and Flight Execution, Planning and Scheduling or Small Satellite and Commercial Space Operations amongst other.


Solenix goes Running! - Merck Firmenlauf 2016 - Darmstadt20 May 2016

On Wednesday 18 May 2016, a brave group of Solenix colleagues participated in the 5th edition of the Merck Firmenlauf (Company Run) for the very first time in the company’s history.

The company run consisted of a 5 km route around the Merck-Station am Böllenfalltor, home to the local SV Darmstadt 98 football team, with almost 3.600 runners from 200 different companies and institutions in Darmstadt.

